Mark van Grinsven

Head of product development and product manager RetCAD


Mark obtained his PhD from the Diagnostic Image Analysis Group at the Radboud University Medical Center. His thesis was on the automatic analysis of fundus images for the detection of Diabetic Retinopathy and Age-related Macular Degeneration using artificial intelligence. In 2015, he joined Thirona where he is leading the research and development in the retina field at Thirona.


Silmäsairauksien diagnostiikka ja tekoäly; optometristin uudet työkalut

Topics of the keynote

  • What does AI mean and how it can be interpreted – this is partially generally about AI but also focusing on RetCad
  • Give ideas about what benefits AI may bring to optical/optometry
  • Use cases around what does the AI tell and how to interpret the results