Practical Information


As a rule, shops and grocery stores are open from 9.00 to 21.00 on weekdays and from 9.00 to 18.00 on weekends.

Banks are usually open from 10.00 to 16.00 on weekdays and closed on weekends.

The closest post office (address Elielinaukio 2) to Finlandia Hall is located next to Helsinki Central Railway Station. It is open on weekdays from 8.00 to 20.00, on Saturdays from 10.00 to 16.00 and on Sundays from 12.00 to 16.00.

Mediacal Helpline and General Emergency Number

The Medical Helpline, provided by the City of Helsinki free of charge, is open 24/7 at the number 116 117.

The general emergency number in Finland is 112.

Taxis in Helsinki

You can book a taxi by phone or hail a taxi on the street or from a taxi rank.

There are taxi ranks at Helsinki Central Railway Station and the seaport terminals and in other locations such as Senate Square and Pohjoisesplanadi.

  • Taksi-Helsinki, tel. +358 100 0700
  • Airport Taxi Yellow Line, tel. +358 600 555 555
  • Kovanen, tel. +358 200 6060
  • Lähitaksi tel. +358 100 7300


Airport transportation to Helsinki city centre:

Train (recommended):
Travel time: about 30 minutes from the airport to the main railway station (in Finnish “Rautatieasema”).

Ticket price: EUR 4,60 (single-ticket, ABC zone). Please note that train tickets cannot be purchased onboard the trains. There are ticket machines at the platforms. More information.

- buses 415 and 615.
- travel time: about 45 minutes
- ticket price: EUR 4,60 (single-ticket, ABC zone).

- price: around EUR 40-50
- more information


Helsinki has summer temperatures from May to mid-September. The daily mean temperature is around 15°C. The highest temperatures are usually in July. Temperatures cool down in September at the latest. Winter in Helsinki starts in November or December with temperatures generally ranging between +2°C and -2°C.

General information about Finland

Electricity: 230 V, 50 Hz
Local time: Eastern European Time, EET, which is two hours ahead of GMT.
Country code: Finland +358
Helsinki: (0)9
Currency: euro
Tap water: safe to drink everywhere.
Population: 5.5 million
Surface: 338 440 km2
Capital city: Helsinki
Official languages: Finnish and Swedish
Independence: 6 December 1917
EU membership: 1 January 1995