Puhujat 2015

Christian Lindholm

Head of Innovation, Vertical Accelerator

Christian is a serial entrepreneur, with his team building a wearables software company called Koru, building an Health Accelerator called Vertical and a Health & Happiness start-up eco-system called HealthSPA. All supporting his passion for digital and mobile health, wellness and wearables. Until July 2012 he was service design company Fjord’s Chief Innovation Officer. In May 2013 Fjord was acquired by Accenture. He headed Yahoo’s mobile product team in the early phase of mobile Internet. About 7% of human population made their first mobile calls on his invention the Navi key user interface featured on many early Nokia phones.

As one of the digital and mobile design industry’s true gurus, being nicknamed the godfather of mobile phone users by Finland’s leading newspaper Helsingin Sanomat for his groundbreaking work making mobiles easy to use. He wrote a book on Health technology, publishes wearable trends and speaks on conferences on werables and startup innovation. He has been a curator for the Health track at Slush and helped to create The Upgraded Life Festival.


Teemu Lang

Patenttiosaston johtaja, patenttiasiamies, Papula-Nevinpat

Teemu Lang toimii Papula-Nevinpatissa osastonjohtajana ja rekisteröitynä patenttiasiamiehenä. Hän on lisäksi yrityksen osakas ja johtoryhmän jäsen. Tällä hetkellä hän johtaa Euraasian alueen patentointiliiketoimintaa sekä vastaa liiketoiminnan ja sisäisten prosessien kehittämisestä sekä ulkomaisista asiakkuuksista patenttiasioissa.

Teemu aloitti työskentelyn teollisoikeuksien parissa vuonna 2011. Hän on myös kirjoittanut useita tieteellisiä julkaisuja ja johtanut elektroniikkateollisuuden tuotekehitysprojekteja. Teemu on väitellyt tekniikan tohtoriksi vuonna 2007 Teknillisestä korkeakoulusta.


Matthew Sammon

Head of UK Trade Mark Practice, Marks & Clerk, UK

Matt is Head of Marks & Clerk’s UK Trade Mark Practice. He specialises in the management of global trade mark and design portfolios and regularly advises clients in relation to clearance searching, filing strategies and enforcement of trade mark and design rights.

Matt works with a range of companies from advising small start-ups companies to managing the IP portfolios for some of the world’s best known brands, including one of the top UK luxury car brands, one of the UK’s biggest retail and commercial banks, a multinational electronics and defence company, and other high-profile UK consumer and retail brands.


Susanna Tusa

Päälakimies, Nokian Renkaat Oyj

Toiminut Nokian Renkaat konsernin lakiasiainjohtajana vuodesta 2008. Pääosa kokemuksesta liittyy sopimus-, yhtiö- ja teollisoikeuksiin. Ennen Nokian Renkaita keskittynyt Venäjään liittyviin lakiasioihin. Opiskellut yliopistossa sekä Suomessa, Venäjällä että Australiassa.


Huw Edwards

Senior IPR Litigation Counsel, Nokia

Huw Edwards is a Senior IPR Litigation Counsel at Nokia in Munich where he is responsible for managing patent litigation for Nokia Networks across the world.

Huw is a lawyer admitted in England & Wales and in New South Wales who has specialized in patent litigation for the last 13 years. Before joining Nokia, Huw was a patent litigation counsel at Sandoz, where he managed patent litigation activities in the pharmaceutical sector across a number of jurisdictions in the Asia-Pacific, Latin America and Western Eu-rope regions and developed and implemented global patent litigation strategies. Before moving to Germany in 2011, Huw worked for Freehills and Mallesons in Australia and for Bird & Bird in London, working on cases involving electrical engineering, materials science, mechanical engineering, pharmaceuticals and telecommunications. Huw studied Aero-nautical Engineering at the University of Bristol where he received a Master of Engineer-ing (M.Eng) degree in 1998.

Lisätiedot ja kyselyt:
Viestintäpäällikkö Marika Kojo, marika.kojo@papula-nevinpat.com
Tapahtuman käytännön järjestelyt: papula-nevinpat@mestudio.fi