Puhujat 2014

Riikka Tähtivuori, IPR-asiantuntija

Elinkeinoelämän keskusliitto EK ry

Riikka Tähtivuori on työskennellyt immateriaalioikeuksien parissa edunvalvontatehtävissä 2000 luvun alkupuolelta lähtien, ensin lainopillisena asiamiehenä Suomen Yrittäjät ry:ssä, sitten vuodesta 2006 alkaen Tietoliikenteen ja tietotekniikan keskusliitto FiCom ry:ssä lakiasioiden päällikkönä ja  helmikuusta 2009 eteenpäin immateriaalioikeusasioihin erikoistuneena asiatuntija Elinkeinoelämän keskusliitto EK:ssa. Elinkeinoelämän edunvalvojana Tähtivuori vaikuttaa siihen, että teollis- ja tekijänoikeussääntely tukee suomalaisten yritysten toimintaedellytyksiä muuttuvassa (mm. digitalisoituvassa ja globaalissa) ympäristössä niin kotimaassa ja EU-markkinoilla, mikä  käytännössä tarkoittaa osallistumista ajankohtaisten kotimaisten ja EU:n  IPR - lainsäädäntöhankkeiden valmisteluun. Regulaatiovaikuttamisen ohella IPR-asiantuntija osallistuu aineettomia oikeuksia koskevaan yhteiskunnalliseen keskusteluun ja pyrkii lisäämään yritysten tietoisuutta aineettomien oikeuksien sisällöstä ja merkityksestä yrityksen liiketoiminnalle mm. koulutuksen, jäsenviestinnän ja -neuvonnan muodossa.


Vesa Karvonen, lakiasiainjohtaja


Paroc-konsernin lakiasiainjohtaja. Työskennellyt Parocissa vuodesta 2002. Konsernijohtoryhmän jäsen. Vastuussa konsernin lakiasioista vuodesta 2002 ja immateriaalioikeuksista vuodesta 2010 lukien. Parocissa on meneillään laajentuminen Venäjälle ja tavoite hyödyntää immateriaalioikeuksia nykyistä paremmin.


Blanca Juti, Chief Marketing Officer               

Rovio Entertainment Ltd  

Blanca Juti heads Rovio Entertainment’s Brand Office as Chief Marketing Officer. Her role includes the company’s brand strategy, marketing, communications, social engagement, consumer insight and customer support functions.

Blanca is a passionate and energetic soul with a mission: to bridge the digital divide. She believes everyone in the planet should have access to the internet and all the opportunities it brings, especially entertainment and education, and why not both things together. Work for Blanca is always about a bigger purpose. Reaching extraordinary results is extremely important while in addition making a difference and a contribution to society deeply drives her. Work has to be contagiously fun and inspiring for her.

Blanca has lead high performance teams across the telecommunications and FMCG industries in Europe, Asia, Africa and in the Americas. Her areas of expertise are general management, sales, investor relations and communications and what gets her to tick the most: brand building and marketing. She holds an MBA with specialization in Marketing and Finance from The University of Dallas, as well as a Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Cambridge

Dr. Nicholas Studler     

Head of Intellectual Property, Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprüngli AG

Nicholas Studler is heading the global Intellectual Property department of the Lindt & Sprüngli Group and is responsible for all IP legal matters in connection with the Group’s brands LINDT, GHIRARDELLI, CAFFAREL, HOFBAUER and KÜFFERLE. Additionally Mr. Studler provides the Marketing teams of the Group with legal support and is responsible for all legal questions in relation to food labeling.

Prior to relocating to Switzerland to work for Lindt & Sprüngli, Mr. Studler worked as Trademark Counsel with The Coca-Cola Company’s Eurasia and Africa Group based in Vienna/Austria. In that role, Nicholas Studler was responsible for all trademark and domain matters of the Company in over 46 countries. Among others, his territories of responsibility included Russia, India, the Middle East and Turkey.

At Coca-Cola, Nicholas Studler set up and implemented effective and successful intellectual property enforcement programs in countries with significant trademark infringement and counterfeiting issues and has been instrumental in furthering the well-known status of some of the world’s most famous trademarks including COCA-COLA.

During his career at The Coca-Cola Company, Mr. Studler moved for several months to the Company’s headquarters in Atlanta/USA where he was in charge of a number of IP related projects with Global scope. These projects included among other things the adoption of a new Domain policy, the implementation of cost reduction measures and the expansion of the Company’s internal use of IP databases and programs.

Before joining The Coca-Cola Company, Mr. Studler worked as an Associate of Wolf Theiss Attorneys at Law, one of Austria’s leading Law Firms.

Nicholas Studler is a native Austrian, holds a Juris Doctor and a Masters Degree from the Law School of the University of Vienna and is frequently speaking and presenting on various IP topics at conferences.


Jukka Nihtilä    

Director, Business Development, Nokia Oyj

Jukka Nihtilä is the Head of IP Business Development at Nokia, responsible for patent acquisitions, divestitures and external IP focused investments. Prior to joining Nokia, he worked for Accenture, THESEUS Institute and CERN in several international research projects dealing with innovation management and product development. His 15 years' experience at Nokia covers strategic use of IPR, corporate venturing as well as business development in the mobile telecommunications industry.

Lisätiedot ja kyselyt:
Viestintäpäällikkö Marika Kojo, marika.kojo@papula-nevinpat.com
Tapahtuman käytännön järjestelyt: papula-nevinpat@mestudio.fi