FBI day 2020

Time: 29.01.2020, 12:30

Registration: 5.12.2019, 12:00 - 12.12.2019, 23:45.

NB! Each university has a quota. If your university’s quota is full, please sign up for the queue. For example, if Oulun yliopisto quota is full, you can’t choose it anymore from the list --> then choose “IN QUEUE – Oulun yliopisto”.

For LUT University students, the quota is based on the student Guild: Kemiantekniikan kilta and Koneenrakennuskilta. If your Guild's quota is full, please choose "IN QUEUE - LUT" under "University".

Aalto University students have two possible leaving times from Lappeenranta: at midnight (00:00) or 2:00 am. These busses have own quotas. If the other bus quota is full please sign up for the other bus. If both busses are full, please choose "IN QUEUE - Aalto".